For more relevant news in the cyber security & tech fields SUBSCRIBE to cybernews 👉 👈 In today's video: ○ The Attorney General of Texas Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against Google for unlawfully capturing and using the biometric data of millions of Texans without consent. ○ Google announced the introduction of passkey support to both the Chrome web browser and the Android operating system in a push to reduce reliance on passwords. ○ A privacy company has introduced the so-called hardware keys to secure user data kept on Proton's account, such as photos, bank statements, and calendar events ○ PayPal is phasing out passwords and making cryptographic account verification available ○ Former Netwalker ransomware affiliate will spend two decades in an American prison and have to forfeit millions of dollars stolen during cyberattacks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About us: our dedicated team of security researchers and investigative journalists regularly delves into previously unexplored depths of online security and privacy in order to shed light on stories that often have an unseen influence on the online world at large. A number of our investigations and reports have been featured by industry-related publications and global news leaders like Forbes, PC mag, and Techradar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep up to date with the latest news: ➡️ Visit our site ➡️ Check out our merch ➡️ Facebook ➡️ Twitter ​ #cybernews